“Can you believe we’re married Zach?” This is a question I’ve asked my love frequently over the past 7 1/2 months.

“Yes,” Zach will smile and pull me into a hug.

We thoroughly love being married. Of course, when people say that they love being married, they tend to get accused of not being realistic. We are definitely not perfect, but we still love being married!

People have asked me what it’s been like, transitioning from growing up in a home with 10 kids to now being married. People have wondered how the adjustments have been for me, and whether or not I miss living with my big family. And also, just how marriage is going in general and how Zach and I are doing! So I thought I’d take some time during this coffee chat to share about how these changes have been for me. We’ll do it in question and answer format.

Was the transition from living with your big family to living with Zach hard?: To be honest, no! Haha. It’s definitely been way different, but I would not describe it as hard! It’s so much fun living together and doing life together.

Do you miss your family?: The fact that most of them live within 30 minutes of me helps a lot! I get to see at least some family members almost every week. So I really haven’t dealt with much homesickness. I do think it would be a lot harder if they lived far away though!

Is there anything about being married that has surprised you?: Well, I’ve been a little surprised at how natural and normal it has felt being married to Zach! I guess I thought it would take a longer time to feel like we were a family. But I was amazed that it was almost instantaneous! I love it.

How have you handled conflict in your marriage?: Communication!! While it can be painful to discuss hurt feelings or misunderstandings, it’s way more painful to stuff them under the rug and allow them to fester. (Like an infection that never got treated!) It does take ‘work’ to get back on the same page, but it’s 100 percent worth it. Then we can go on being best friends and having fun together. Of course, we rely on Jesus to help us through those times of selfishness. He is the solid rock in our marriage, and our constant help! Such a blessing.

General reflections on marriage after growing up in a large family?: Well, I’ve noticed that my shampoo and hair spray last a lot longer now that I’m not sharing with 5 sisters! Haha! Also, at first I made huge batches of food because I wasn’t used to cooking for only two people! (The first batch of spaghetti I made lasted us for so many days, we called it the ‘widow’s oil’ from the Bible. Hehe!) I also was used to hiding and hoarding treats from my younger siblings who would inhale anything in sight. Now, I’m faced with the challenge of self discipline: If we buy a package of Oreos, just the two of us will eat them all!!! Gotta be careful.

Do you guys want mini Zach and Chloes?: Hehe! Yes we do! We’ll see what the Lord has in store for us in that category. *wink*

Well I will close there for now! Thanks so much for joining in on another coffee chat with me. (Today I enjoyed a Starbucks cappuccino with one pump of raspberry syrup. Delicious!)

God bless your day, everyone!!

4 thoughts on “Marriage: Q and A

  1. I love this post. It is great to hear about transitions. It is very encouraging to see when change works out well. In 7 months (or less) Cathy and I will be back permanently and look forward to reconnecting with all of our friends and family. Love both of you and continue to pray for you!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sweet niece! I just spent portions of the last two days reading all the postings in this entire blog, and let me say that I so enjoyed each installment that when I finished reading the latest one I was instantly bummed out because I wanted MORE (I’m a bit greedy that way)! What neat, fun, interesting observations you’ve been making! I could make lots of remarks, but one random one I’ll sift out is that I SO relate to your having to train yourself out of the habit of making too much food now that you don’t live with gazillions of people. I remember realizing, “Wow, I don’t even need to use ONE whole box of macaroni let alone four…”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww thank you so much for the sweet comment dear Aunt Jeanne!! Thank you for your encouragement, it really means a lot to me! ❤ (Hehe, that's exactly right!! I'm still tempted towards making too much although I'm getting better!) Love you! ❤


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